React Vs. React Native are like “non-identical twins.” Their parent company is the same, but their controls are different. They share many traits, with few differences and many similarities. Both work differently, but with Javascript, they have the same syntax but separate work components and build apps on different platforms.

Instead of calling React a library, many users call it a framework. They are right. React, after all, is more than merely a library of pre-written procedures and code fragments. You can now build whole applications for web browsers and mobile devices using ReactJS and React Native.

Using React means saving time, but the question persists which React version saves more time?

Let’s look through the comparative lens of React JS Vs. React Native and find out which is “The best one”?

What is ReactJS?

React an open-source typescript-based library. Update user interface components, uses Virtual DOM- Document object Model, and is used to create single-page applications. According to a Statista study, React is the most popular front-end framework developers use for web and mobile applications. Basically, React is building applications that run on a web browser. 

react work

The above image shows that React works at the “View” layer of the MVC model. Since the view layer corresponds to the user interface components, this level displays the output to the user. ReactJS also works with UI components as it deals with the View layer.

Why React is Getting So Many React-ions and How it is Beneficial For Your Business?

  1. Virtual DOM– saves much time as it lets you render just a portion of your code instead of the whole code. 
  2. Code reusability – Reusing code components saves time for developers and, in turn, eventually, money.
  3. Code iteration – React gives the liberty to use code repetitively when needed.
  4. Server-side rendering.
  5. From the Server to the browser rendering makes it SEO friendly.
  6. Improving the debug speed, which again saves a lot of time.
  7. Knowledge of Javascript beforehand again saves up time.

Advantages of React

The advantages of using React are:

  1. The straightforward design makes it simple to understand.
  2. Comprehensive documentation and templating are made feasible by the HTML-like syntax.
  3. Developers may focus more on building a contemporary JavaScript framework rather than worrying about writing code specifically for frameworks.
  4. Enhancing server-side rendering capacity makes it a more dependable platform for content-focused apps.
  5. You can easily change between React versions.
  6. ReactJS development skills can be used to improve React native development.

Disadvantages of React

The followings are some disadvantages and problems associated with utilizing React:

  1. A lot of planning goes into integrating React with an established MVC framework like Rail.
  2. Since React interacts with the MVC model’s user interface layer, a comprehensive understanding of the MVC architecture is essential.
  3. React’s biggest disadvantage is frequent updates, that developers frequently have to learn new techniques to complete the same jobs.
  4. Limitation to the “view” layer: React is only compatible with the apps’ UI layers.

Features of ReactJS Vs. React Native

Parameters ReactJS React Native
Installation process Installed via the NPM package manager  It is a CLI tool that needs Node.js and React Native CLI, to be installed.
Ease of Use Easy to learn
Beginner friendly framework
With a good knowledge of Javascript, easy to learn
Efficiency Features like Lesser development time and code reusability make it efficient Efficient in memory usage and performance. 
Syntax HTML like syntax React Native uses React-like syntax
Code render Uses Virtual DOM for code rendition Implements Native APIs along with Virtual DOM for code rendering. Giving a more native app-like feel and experience.
Speed Virtual DOM is a USP for React , giving it speed. Just-in-time compiler helps to achieve great speed to React Native
Component-based architecture The architecture allows the developers to break the coding into smaller manageable pieces. Similar to React
SEO friendliness React is more friendly than React Native A bit difficult to achieve friendship between React Native and SEO. 
Tools A vast pool of developer tools Multiple tools like Atom, Nuclide, React Navigation & many others supporting developers to make efficient apps
Components HTML and CSS components Native components, CSS like
Navigation  While coding in React, it uses external libraries like React router for navigation and transition It’s own navigator component which facilitates the custom mobile app navigation 
Compatibility Compatible with the majority of browsers As it is made for mobile platforms so it is compatible with Android and iOS
Cross-platform Only cross-browser is possible  Yes, with Android and iOS
Data binding One-way data binding
But React JS provides some ways to utilize two-way data binding as well.
One-way data binding
Development time The code reusability feature decreases the development time considerably Features lie platform-specific code. Cross-platform ability reduces the developing time
Platform Web platforms like  web browsers  The mobile platform, mobile apps

What is React Native?

An open-source JavaScript-based mobile development library with Native API components. So basically, React Native is developed on React.

Just a Bit of History!

The limitation of React to be used for web browsers led to the origin of React Native. Facebook required a mobile application that incorporated all the benefits of web development. Out of a hackathon, React Native emerged.

You can create native mobile applications with React Native, which compiles native app components. React Native also uses React as its foundation abstraction. Consequently, the elements differ, but the syntax and workflow are still similar.

It is fantastic for apps since it offers a seamless user interface and significantly less developing time. The user-friendly, interactive mobile applications for iOS and Android are natively rendered.

One of the significant benefits of React Native is cross-platform development, i.e., only one piece of code needs to be created for it to work or function on both the iOS and Android platforms.

Did You Know- Hearing songs on SoundCloud, checking a story on Instagram, and oh wait! Shopping from Walmart. Remember when you use Facebook on a mobile phone. React Native is at play for all these big hotshots.

React Native aims at merging the two codes – Javascript code and Native code. Since they cannot understand each other, a “Bridge” comes between them. This whole unit functions together. The bridge concept uses the library and transmits the hierarchy of the component to the display on mobile devices.

While JavaScript needs a virtual computer to run on, native code can be executed directly on the device. Creating a native connection between the app and the target platform enables developers to create apps by launching JS threads that interpret JavaScript code. Our JavaScript code will be translated into C++ and executed by the iOS device’s built-in JavaScriptCore engine. Due to the lack of a built-in JS engine on Android devices, JavaScriptCore will be included.

react native architecture

Why React Native is Getting So Many React-ions and How It Is Beneficial For Your Business?

Today for businesses looking to develop a mobile app with agility, superb performance, and economy React Native is the pick. Cross-platform compatibility with native UI components makes it an obvious choice. More and more, 38% of developers choose React Native for mobile Apps. It saves money and time by giving you some extraordinary native app-like features such as compatibility, cross-platform and more.

Some reasons to convince you why it is suitable for your business are: –  

React Native renders code via native APIs in the same way as React uses Virtual DOM. Hence leaving you with a native app-like feel.

  1. A cherry on top is that React Native has all the good things of ReactJS, like UI components and javascript extension. So developers working with React need not worry. You won’t have to hire any more developers as a business owner.
  2. Cross-platform is a respite to developers as they don’t have to build the app again for various platforms like Android and iOS. They can utilize the same logic layer for both platforms, saving time.
  3. The component-based architecture of React Native enables developers to develop code with flexibility. A platform-specific code is generated that detects the platform and generates code accordingly.
  4. Hot reloading featureIf the code was initially made in a different language, you don’t have to replace or reinvent the application code entirely, just inject the updated source code into the live app, and you are good to go. This feature is loved because it saves time.

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  1. While developing a cross-platform application, some features like code reusability and code iteration become necessary. There may be situations where it makes sense to have different codes, such as when you wish to implement other components for Android and iOS.
  2. Platform-specific code – When your platform-specific code is more complicated, code splitting is suggested. When a file has a .iOS or. Android extension, React Native will recognize it and, if necessary, load the appropriate platform file from other components.
  3. The hot reload feature is a feature that allows the developer to inject updated source code into the live app. Drastically reduces the development time, without any need to rewrite the source code again. This is where agility comes into play when talking about React Native.
  4. Easy even for a frontend web developer having decent knowledge of Javascript. Since most of React Native is based on Javascript so picking up the concepts will take just some time.
  5. Cost-effectiveness is one of the USPs of React Native. Moreover, creating a mobile app in languages like Java, Objective C, and other similar languages takes a lot of time to develop and a cost! You will be paying with a pot of gold. So while comparing ReactJS Vs. React Native, The winner is React Native.
  6. Ready-to-use UI libraries ease up and smoothen the process and help make an engaging UI experience.
  7. Incorporates a Native module system to render native API components directly and independently. The native module system helps with the integration of native codes.
  8. UI thread, a.k.a main thread, is responsible for the UI rendering of Android and iOS. The use of UI thread enhances the performance of React Native.
  9. Strong community supports A large number of active React Native developers vouch for this platform. It makes it easier to find resources and support. Etc. 


  1. Heavy dependency on third-party libraries for complex and heavyweight applications.
  2. Meta is the sole authority when it comes to their rules. Despite the fact it is open-source, they can even cancel the licensing of React Native if the application challenges their patents.
  3. Some developers face compatibility issues and debugging problems.
  4. We see high reliance of React Native on the Native module system, so it becomes evident that a pretty good knowledge of the Native Module System is a necessity.
  5. Whenever there are any updates from the Android or iOS platform, React Native lags in their SDKs.

However, React Web is one such trick or one such way of utilizing through which you can easily transit your web application into a mobile app. But that is another story for another time.

Either a Web App OR a Mobile App?

You can choose both. With Moon Technolabs, you can opt for the trendiest React JS web development tech or React Native mobile app for your business and be carefree about your sales.

Let’s Talk Business!


Both variants of React save time. Yes! Having different features for your diverse needs. If you aim for a super fast, stunning, single-page, app-oriented project, go for React. But if you are in for some creative Android or iOS native app and confused, choose React Native blindfolded. Are you still confused? Moon Technolabs can help you out with your dilemma.

Talking about business time is synonymous with money. Saving your client’s time is making you more profit in the future. The more time you save, the more business you make and, consequently, the more money you make. 

Moon Technolabs has expertise in creating React JS and React Native applications. 



Which is Better When Comparing React Vs. React Native?

Both are effective when it comes to web development or app development. The choice is dependent on the project. React is a functional library, whereas React Native is a framework. React is better with web browser applications, whereas React Native with mobile native application-like features. 


Are React and React Native Similar?

No, React is a library having UI components, while React Native is a full-fledged framework that uses native UI components. It is used to develop mobile applications with a native app-like feel and experience.


Between ReactJS Vs. React Native, Which is Better for Mobile App Development?

The primary reason behind the origin of React Native is getting all the benefits of web development in a mobile application. Although React is also a great frontend framework for web and mobile app development, React Native offers Native components giving the experience of a native app. So React Native wins the contest of React JS Vs. React Native for mobile app development category.
About Author

Jayanti Katariya is the CEO of Moon Technolabs, a fast-growing IT solutions provider, with 18+ years of experience in the industry. Passionate about developing creative apps from a young age, he pursued an engineering degree to further this interest. Under his leadership, Moon Technolabs has helped numerous brands establish their online presence and he has also launched an invoicing software that assists businesses to streamline their financial operations.